The U.S. Department of Education requires each school division that receives ARP ESSER III funds to submit a plan that describes how it will use the funds. This plan is published to Sunnybrook District 171 Public School’s website.
Section 1: Introduction
The purpose of the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) III Fund is to help safely reopen and sustain the safe operation of schools and address the impacts of COVID-19 on the nation’s students by addressing students’ academic, social, emotional, and mental health needs. Sunnybrook District 171 has been awarded $3,016,877 in ESSER III funds. This plan describes how the awarded funds will be used. Questions about this plan should be directed to Lori Owens-Stranc, Director of Curriculum and Instruction, at lowens-stranc@sd171.org or 708-895-0750.
The primary goal of Sunnybrook District 171 continues to be to safely offer in-person instruction to the greatest extent possible under the guidelines provided by the Governor’s Office, Illinois Department of Health, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Illinois Department of Education. Sunnybrook District 171 is planning for a return to in-person learning five days a week for all PreK-8 students beginning August 18, 2021. Our instructional staff will focus on the design and delivery of engaging, in-person instructional experiences that will mirror our instructional approach prior to the pandemic.
We recognize and respect that some families may still be interested in a virtual learning option for the next school year. Sunnybrook District 171 will not be offering a virtual learning option unless medical reasons are provided. If virtual learning is required due to medical reasons the district will provide virtual instructions.
Section 2: Prevention and Mitigation Strategies
ARP Act ESSER III funds may be used to implement prevention and mitigation strategies that are, to the greatest extent practicable, consistent with the most recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance on reopening schools, in order to continuously and safely open and operate schools for in-person learning. Sunnybrook District 171 used approximately $84,895 of its ESSER 1 funds to support prevention and mitigation strategies. ESSER 1 was used to purchase sanitizing wipes and gel, disinfecting sprays/solutions, disposable gloves, and masks. Additionally, $900,000 of ESSAR II grant funds were allocated to support increased daily cleaning, sanitation, air purification system, and ADA compliant bathrooms in our schools to support a safe environment with best health mitigation practices.
Section 3: Addressing Unfinished Learning
Section 2001(e)(1) of the ARP Act requires each school division to use twenty percent of its formula funds to address the academic impact of lost instructional time (learning loss) through the implementation of evidence-based interventions. Sunnybrook District 171 will use approximately $522,000 of its ARP Act ESSER III funds to address unfinished learning as described below:
Sunnybrook District 171 will use ESSER III grant funds to hire an additional teacher to promote critical thinking and problem solving. ESSER III will also be used for teacher stipends for after school programs that will provide remediation and enrichment opportunities for students, as well as to provide teaching stipends for a summer school program focused on recovery of learning loss during COVID.
In addition, we will hire a social worker to provide direct services to students, support teachers in the classroom, and provide schoolwide professional development to address social and emotional learning among students and staff.
Section 4: Other Uses of Funds
Section 2001(e) of the ARP Act permits school divisions to use the ARP Act ESSER III funding not reserved to address unfinished learning to address the impacts of COVID-19 in a variety of ways. Sunnybrook District 171 will use approximately $2,200,000 of its ARP Act ESSER III funds in accordance with Section 2001(e) of the ARP Act as described below.
Sunnybrook District 171 strongly believes that the health and safety of our students and staff is important. We will be expanding our nurses offices to ensure we have an area that is conducive for students and/or staff use. We will also be improving the way students, staff, and parents/community enter our buildings to ensure proper precautions are in place based on CDC guidelines.
Section 5: Addressing Students’ Academic, Social, Emotional, and Mental Health Needs
To support and increase our teachers’ ability to effectively address the social and emotional needs of students, assess for learning loss and plan and deliver individualized instruction to close achievement gaps, Sunnybrook District 171 will hire a Social Worker funded with ESSER III. The social worker will support students and families, including low-income students, children with disabilities, English learners, racial and ethnic minorities, students experiencing homelessness, and children in foster care by locating community resources for the purpose of promoting parent effectiveness and student achievement. They will assist with the organization and implementation of events and activities for the purpose of enhancing parent involvement. They will convey parents’ questions and concerns to appropriate school/district staff for the purpose of supporting student success and further facilitating communications with parents. They will conduct meetings at schools and with community partnerships, conduct home visits, collect support information from parents in an effort to meet the educational objectives, and collaborate with other personnel to identify issues and concerns and work towards solutions.
Section 6: Consultation with Stakeholders and Opportunity for Public Comment
In developing the ARP ESSER Plan, Sunnybrook District 171 met with the school/community committee to create the plan. The plan will be shared online and allow time for questions
Section 7: Making the Plan Available to the Public
Sunnybrook District 171 Public Schools has taken the following steps to make this plan available to the public.
- The plan is posted athttps://www.sd171.org
- The plan is available in multiple languages through use of our translation service on our website.
- Upon request, a parent who is an individual with a disability as defined by the ADA may be provided with the plan in an alternative format accessible by contacting Kathy Martin, Director of Special Education atkmartin@sd171.orgor 708-895-0750.