Strategic Plan
Teaching and Learning
- Update the District’s technology plan to enhance teaching and learning, paying specific attention to the 1:1 initiative, hardware and software upgrades, infrastructure improvements and support for users
- Continue to implement and enhance the ELA program
- Continue implementing both the STEM and E-Learning programs and seek ways to expand and enhance
- Create a comprehensive, coordinated long range professional development plan to support the new 2020-2023 strategic plan, including but not limited to math program implementation, SEL, technology, Danielson model and new curricula
- Create a district committee to conduct a deep analysis of the low math achievement issue, including but not limited to: the disconnect between satisfaction with the math program and continued low achievement results, specific implementation inconsistencies and staff development
- Continue to improve and implement high a quality K-8 health curriculum
- Update the District’s technology plan to enhance teaching and learning, paying specific attention to the 1:1 initiative, hardware and software upgrades, infrastructure improvements and support for users
- Continue to implement and enhance the ELA program
- Continue implementing both the STEM and E-Learning programs and seek ways to expand and enhance
- Implement Year 1 of the new Professional Development Plan
- Implement recommendations that emerge from the Math program analysis
- Continue to improve and implement high a quality K-8 health curriculum
- Update the District’s technology plan to enhance teaching and learning, paying specific attention to the 1:1 initiative, hardware and software upgrades, infrastructure improvements and support for users
- Continue to implement and enhance the ELA program
- Continue implementing both the STEM and E-Learning programs and seek ways to expand and enhance
- Implement Year 2 of the new Professional Development Plan
- Continue to implement recommendations from the math program analysis and evaluate effectiveness
- Continue to improve and implement high a quality K-8 health curriculum
Superior Performance
Student Achievement
- STAR reading and math
Recognition of the All
- Recognition logs, all school community
- Encourage National Certification Program for teachers
- Communicate vigorously
High Levels of Satisfaction
- Five Essentials Survey yearly
- Satisfaction Survey every 2 years
- Robust student exit surveys at the end of selected grade levels
Meeting the Unique Needs of Children
- Conduct an assessment of current programs and practices used to meet the needs of unique learners, including but not limited to special education and ELL, and make recommendations for continued growth and enhancement
- Review the current math and reading intervention programs and make recommendations to align the programs with research-based best practices. Clearly communicate RTI and MTSS expectations with all staff
- Implement recommendations that emerge from the special program assessment
- Implement recommendations from the reading and math intervention analysis
- Create a representative committee that includes parents to analyze all aspects of the current Conditional Promotion Program. Review its history in the district, along with research and best practice in the field. Develop a new program and communicate it clearly with students, staff and parents
- Continue to implement recommendations that emerge from the special program assessment and evaluate effectiveness
- Implement recommendations from the reading and math intervention analysis
- Implement recommendations from the reading and math intervention analysis
- Implement the new Conditional Promotion program
Distinctive Impact
Collaborative Home, School and Community Partnerships
- Track attendance at school and parent organization events
- Track teacher access and communication to families using Power School
- Monitor connections with local educational and community partnerships
High Levels of Student Engagement
- Track student participation in extracurricular activities and strongly encourage participation by all students
- Monitor student discipline referrals and trend
Developing the Whole Child
- Continue to offer a comprehensive athletics and extracurricular program and seek opportunities to improve and enhance
- Continue offering a wide variety of summer school opportunities and seek opportunities to expand and enhance
- Continue to offer a comprehensive athletics and extracurricular program and seek opportunities to improve and enhance
- Continue offering a wide variety of summer school opportunities and seek opportunities to expand and enhance
- Assess all aspects of the current K-8 Social-Emotional Learning curriculum and its implementation. Make recommendations to improve and enhance the current program
Continue to offer a comprehensive athletics and extracurricular program and seek opportunities to improve and enhance
Continue offering a wide variety of summer school opportunities and seek opportunities to expand and enhance
Implement recommendations from the Social-Emotional Learning analysis
Lasting Endurance
Success in High School and Beyond
- Yearly freshman survey
- Track student placement in advanced classes in freshman year
- Monitor student grades/honor role
- Alumni participation (school assemblies, transition activities)
Fiscal Responsibility
- Balanced budget
- Adequate reserves
Recruitment and Retention of Staff
- Set yearly benchmarks and monitor
Parent, Student, Community, and School Connections
- Continue to utilize a wide variety of effective communication vehicles for both internal and external communications; look for opportunities to enhance, especially in the area of social media activity
- Create a representative committee to develop recommendations for maintaining and enhancing school, home and community connections, with particular focus on reaching out to the community members who do not speak English as their primary language.
- Reinvigorate and expand the current Parent University program by first conducting a needs assessment and then offering a wide array of adult learning opportunities including but not limited to: understanding the current curriculum, partnering in the child’s learning, essential technology skills, parenting skills and child development.
- Continue to utilize a wide variety of effective communication vehicles for both internal and external communications; look for opportunities to enhance, especially in the area of social media activity
- Implement recommendations from the community connections committee
- Implement the new Parent University Program
- Continue to utilize a wide variety of effective communication vehicles for both internal and external communications; look for opportunities to enhance, especially in the area of social media activity
- Continue to implement recommendations from the community connections committee and evaluate effectiveness
- Continue implementing the Parent University Program and evaluate effectiveness
Climate, Culture and Consistency
- Utilizing the District Climate and Culture Committee (consisting of a representative group of teachers, support staff and administrators). conduct a deep and honest current reality audit, explore best practices in the field, and develop a comprehensive plan to improve the climate, culture and trust in the district. Communicate with the district faculty and staff the importance of this work and communicate progress regularly
- Conduct a comprehensive analysis of current discipline policies and practices. Create a clear discipline policy and consistent practices that meet state laws and reflect best practice in the field
- Create a comprehensive long-range plan for the consistent recruitment, selection, induction, training, support and retention of new staff
- Implement the initial recommendations from the Culture and Climate Committee and celebrate each success
- Implement the new student discipline policy and practices
- Implement the recommendations from the plan for recruitment, selection, induction, training, support and retention of new staff
- Continue to implement recommendations from the Culture and Climate Committee, celebrate successes and evaluate effectiveness
- Continue to implement the new student discipline policy and practices and evaluate effectiveness
- Continue to implement the recommendations from the plan for recruitment, selection, induction, training, support and retention of new staff
Securing the Future
- Continue to monitor and manage district resources to secure a balanced budget and reasonable reserves
- Remain fiscally responsible by proactively monitoring state finances and fiscal policy and taking appropriate steps to counteract possible ill effects
- Continue to support the District Foundation and seek opportunities to expand and enhance its role
- Actively seek new funding sources through state and federal grants and available business partnerships
- Continue to monitor and manage district resources to secure a balanced budget and reasonable reserves
- Remain fiscally responsible by proactively monitoring state finances and fiscal policy and taking appropriate steps to counteract possible ill effects
- Continue to support the District Foundation and seek opportunities to expand and enhance its role
- Seek new funding sources through grants and partnerships
- Continue to monitor and manage district resources to secure a balanced budget and reasonable reserves
- Remain fiscally responsible by proactively monitoring state finances and fiscal policy and taking appropriate steps to counteract possible ill effects
- Continue to support the District Foundation and seek opportunities to expand and enhance its role
- Seek new funding through state/federal grants and partnerships